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做对社会有价值 对民生有贡献的企业

The ultimate goal of the company is to add value for the socicty and to improve the life of people.

同心同行 共创共享

Working together closely with our stakeholders and partners to create mutual values and benefits

艰苦奋斗 不断进取

Work diligently in defiance of difficulties and make continued progress.

态度决定高度 细节决定成败

The height of achievements is determind by the attitude and success.The failure is determind in the details.

快速反应 迅速落实 执行到位 持之以恒

Response quickly,carry out timely,execute precisely and decisively,and pursue our goals in apersistent way.

地址:北京市东城区鼎城大厦/100120    电话:010-82809064/82809094    传真:010-84136680

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